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Four Grades Of Gynecomastia And Their Treatment Options

Clinically speaking, gynecomastia is defined as the abnormal expansion of male breast tissue. It involves the histopathologically innocuous growth of glandular tissue and a rubbery or hard mass that expands uniformly from the areola. This condition is the most common breast disorder in men and typically occurs as a result of histopathological alteration.

Beyond a physical alteration, gynecomastia can also have significant mental ramifications that impact self-esteem and domestic success. Gynecomastia is graded, which facilitates assessing the severity of the problem and planning an appropriate treatment plan. These are still up in the air by evaluating the degree of areolar elongation, the location of the areola, and the presence or absence of excess skin.

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Four Grades Of Gynecomastia 

As per a few clinical investigations, there are four principal grades of gynecomastia, each addressing a specific degree of seriousness and the actual sign of the condition. The reviewing framework for gynecomastia depends on a few elements, including the size and nature of the breast tissue extension, the state of the skin, and the potential for areola release.

Grade I – Small Breast Enlargement

The least serious ailment, grade I affects only a small area surrounding the areola. The areola appears as a restricted button-like structure of tissue, giving it a bosom-like appearance. This tissue augmentation is typically a surprising variation compared to a man’s skin tone. The change is subtle and noticeable while looking at the clothing.


The main treatment strategy for Grade I may involve chemical adjustment medicines, as chemical awkwardness may be the underlying cause. If medication doesn’t work, another option is a liposuction medical treatment. The best method to assess the situation is to speak with a gynecomastia specialist.

Grade II – Moderate Breast Enlargement

This situation is somewhat more surprising in that it causes a considerable estimated extension to protrude outside of the areola instead of being kept back. The borders are usually less noticeable when viewed from the chest. The area of the pectoralis muscle is covered in breast tissue. It is a little severe, though, and doesn’t stand out too much over free dress. To manage the problem, experts advise a low-estrogen dietary plan. Medical procedures and prescription drugs are optional treatments.


The most successful therapy for Grade IIa gynecomastia is usually liposuction since it may efficiently remove excessively oily tissue. For this grade, other careless medications most likely won’t be as effective.

Grade III – Moderate Breast Enlargement With Minor Skin Excess

The breast growth in this situation is manifestly visible, and it extends beyond the borders of the areola. As additional skin grows, the contour of the breasts becomes more noticeable. Even though the breast tissue is only somewhat grown, it has a very high permeability, which should be apparent through clothing. This illness usually causes a significant amount of unease and social stigma for boys throughout their teen years.


The breast growth in this situation is manifestly visible, and it extends beyond the borders of the areola. As additional skin grows, the contour of the breasts becomes more noticeable. Even though the breast tissue is only somewhat grown, it has a very high permeability and should be apparent through clothing.

Grade IV – Significant Breast Growth 

The most severe form of gynecomastia, known as grade IV, is characterized by a significant excess of skin and a conspicuous expansion of bosom tissue. At this point, the illness is more than just a healing issue, it can have a big impact on daily activities and overall success.


The best course of action for Grade IV gynecomastia is cautious intervention. Usually, a combination of liposuction and procedures is used to remove excess skin and glandular tissue. It is important to remember that this type of gynecomastia can result in real, long-lasting alterations, so choosing doctors with expertise and training is essential.

One of Delhi’s top plastic surgeons, Dr. Arjun Handa is well-known for his proficiency in body contouring, reconstructive breast surgery, and plastic and cosmetic procedures. Dr. Handa has 14 years of experience, 7 of which are spent as a specialist. He carries on a rich family legacy of providing exceptional medical care. Visit Dr. Arjun Handa right now to get a second opinion.


Determining the right treatment approach and assessing the severity of the problem requires understanding the various grades of gynecomastia. Know that there is assistance available and that you are not alone if you are going through any kind of gynecomastia. The severity of this illness, which affects many men nowadays, might vary. Thankfully, gynecomastia may be effectively managed and resolved with available therapies and expert advice.

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