Disclaimer Statement

This is the official website of Handa Aesthetics and Plastics where you can find the best plastic/cosmetic surgeon in Delhi. The website has been developed with the aim of providing general and public information. All the documents and information present on the website are only for reference purposes. We make sure to update the content on a regular basis to ensure that the information on the website is accurate.

We strive to the best of our possibilities to provide accurate information on the website but no warranties, representations, and guarantees are made on the adequacy, reliability as well as the completeness of the same. The content present on this website is solely for the purpose of educating as well as creating awareness about plastic/cosmetic surgery. The content by any chance should not be treated as a substitute to the advice or prescription of a professional plastic surgeon.

Copyright and all intellectual property rights in each of the materials on the website, trademarks, and logos appearing on the website are the property of Handa Aesthetics and Plastics, its affiliates as well as associates unless otherwise stated. The entire thing on the website is protected under the applicable Indian laws. Any kind of commercial use of materials present on the website is strictly prohibited unless valid written permission from the company is obtained.

Any material downloaded from the website is done at the users’ own discretion and risk. Handa Aesthetics and Plastics is neither liable nor responsible for any viruses or other contamination of the users’ system. We are also not responsible for any kind of damages, delays, claims, errors, inaccuracies, or omissions resulting from the use of the website.

There are a number of hyperlinks on the website and some of them might lead to a third-party website or any affiliate of Handa Aesthetics and Plastics on both national as well as international levels. We are not responsible for the validity, accuracy, reliability, and other parameters of the content present on the website of any of our affiliates or third parties.

If any of the visitors of our website responds with information such as feedback data, questions, suggestions, comments, or others reading the website’s content, Handa Aesthetics and Plastics shall be dealing with it in a manner that it deems suitable.

Finally, it is to be kept in mind that every individual coming for treatment is different and so are their cases. There might be some or other similarities, but each case is different. Hence, the results of any of the treatments or services mentioned on the website of Handa Aesthetics and Plastics may vary from individual to individual. We aim to provide the treatment and services to the best of our possibilities in a fair manner. But still, results might be different in every case. Moreover, our results are also dependent on the support of the individuals undergoing the treatment. Without the cooperation of the patient to appropriately complete the treatment or service, we cannot be held responsible for the results or outcome.
