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Liposuction Scars: Does Liposuction Leave Scars After Operation?

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Liposuction is a surgery used to remove excess fat from the body. The procedure is not always recommended, except in cases where diet and exercise regimens fail. The procedure is not considered a typical weight-loss treatment. The areas usually targeted are the thighs, buttocks, arms, and under the chin. Some people also get worried about liposuction scars. Read on to find out more.

Table of Contents

Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye

  1. Does Liposuction Leave Scars?
  2. Best Scar Removal Treatments
  3. What Are the Areas Usually Treated with Liposuction?
  4. What to do After Liposuction Procedure?
  5. What Are the Types of Liposuction Procedures?
  6. Is Liposuction Permanent?
  7. Does Liposuction Cause Sagging Skin or liposuction scars?
  8. Does Liposuction Require a Prior Weight-Loss Regimen?
  9. How Much Fat Is Safe to Remove From the Body?
  10. Is Liposuction Safe?
  11. Summing Up

Does Liposuction Leave Scars?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure for fat removal and body sculpting. Many potential patients wonder about the scarring it may leave behind. The good news is that liposuction typically results in minimal scarring. Surgeons make small incisions, usually just a few millimeters in size, in inconspicuous areas to insert the cannulas used for fat removal. These tiny incisions heal well, often becoming nearly imperceptible over time. However, individual healing and scarring responses can vary. Some people may have slightly more noticeable scars but experienced plastic surgeons work to minimize scarring.

Before And After Pictures Of Patients

While scarring post-liposuction isn’t common, it can occur. Below are the pictures showing High-definition liposuction that leaves negligible scars.

Before And After Liposuction Before And After Liposuction Surgery

Best Scar Removal Treatments

For those concerned about post-liposuction scarring, there are several effective scar removal treatments available to help reduce the visibility of scars and promote smoother, more even skin.

Topical Scar Creams

Over-the-counter or prescription scar creams containing ingredients like silicone, vitamin E, or corticosteroids can help reduce scar visibility.

Laser Therapy

Laser treatments, such as fractional laser or intense pulsed light (IPL), can target and break down scar tissue while stimulating collagen production for smoother skin.


This non-invasive procedure exfoliates the skin’s top layer, improving the texture and appearance of minor scars.


 A more intensive exfoliation technique removes the top skin layer, which can enhance the look of scars, especially deeper ones.

Silicone Sheets or Gels

Applied directly to scar areas, silicone-based products maintain a healing-conducive environment, reducing scar visibility.

Steroid Injections

For hypertrophic or keloid scars, corticosteroid injections can flatten and soften the scar tissue.

Surgical Scar Revision

For prominent or complex scars, surgical scar revision may be recommended. It involves excising the old scar and rejoining the skin to minimize scar visibility.

The choice of scar removal treatment depends on the type and severity of the scar, as well as individual factors. Consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, like the experts at Handa Aesthetics, can provide tailored recommendations for scar management after liposuction. These specialists can guide you through the most suitable options to achieve the best possible outcome in scar reduction and a smoother, more aesthetically pleasing result.

Also Read: Liposuction Cost in India

Liposuction Procedure

The procedure for liposuction depends upon the area of operation and the extent of fat removal. In the case of smaller areas or little amounts of fat, it may be an outpatient procedure, and more extensive surgeries may require both general anesthesia and an overnight stay. 

The doctor initially marks the lines where the incisions will be placed. The time needed for the procedure depends upon several factors, such as;

  • Age
  • Presence of pre-existing ailments
  • Vital signs
  • Anesthesia
  • The area and amount of fat removal

There may be some pain after the procedure, which varies from person to person. Usually, medications are prescribed for relief. The open wounds are also fitted with surgical drains to improve the removal of excess fluid.

Related Blog: Before and After Liposuction: How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

What Are the Types of Liposuction Procedures?

There are four major types of procedures for performing liposuction:


This is the classical liposuction procedure. A mixture of anesthetic solution and fluids are injected into the target area. Incisions are made, and a cannula is introduced. It sucks the fat and other fluids using a vacuum principle. 


UAL stands for Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction. It involves a metal rod inserted under the skin. It releases vibrations to break down fat cells, making the fat more fluid and easier to remove. A newer innovation in this field is known as VASER. It also helps contour the skin correctly following the procedure. Following this, the excess fat is drained out through a cannula.


PAL stands for Power Assisted Liposuction. In this procedure, the cannula itself has a back and forth motion. This allows the plastic cosmetic surgeon to knead and manipulate the fat easily. It makes it easier to pull out without damaging skin contour. According to several studies, PAL shows reduced chances of postoperative complications. The procedure is usually recommended for cases with large fat removals. It may also be used if the person has had a prior liposuction procedure.


LAL stands for Laser Assisted Liposuction. Instead of using scalpels and ultrasound, the procedure is carried out by LASER. The laser is introduced into the fat tissue using optical fibre, followed by fat emulsification under the skin. The emulsified fat is more fluid and can be removed using a cannula.

Summing Up

Liposuction is not a shortcut route to gaining a fit and healthy-looking body. The procedure is usually more successful when a person already has a healthy routine. The pain varies from person to person, although it subsides within a few days. The liposuction scars left after the procedure are minor to negligible and will fade over time. The treatment can remove around three to five litters of fat from the body without causing significant complications. Liposuction can also be used to treat conditions such as gynecomastia. 


1.Is Liposuction Permanent?

Liposuction is not a standalone procedure; it is intended to remove excess fat from regions where diet and exercise fail. After the operation, people may develop excess fat in those areas. These are usually due to improper eating or exercise habits. Liposuction is not a one-stop fat removal procedure, and the procedure’s effects must be retained by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. 

2.Does Liposuction Cause Sagging Skin or liposuction scars?

Contouring is a crucial procedure following fat removal. After liposuction, the excess layers of fat are removed from underneath the skin. The skin can then be reshaped and contoured as desired. Thus liposuction generally does not leave behind saggy skin. 

3.Does Liposuction Require a Prior Weight-Loss Regimen?

There is no target body weight for opting for liposuction. However, it is advisable to reduce the fat burned through diet and exercise beforehand. This allows for more minimal surgical procedures. Also, it helps achieve a better skin contour. 

4.How Much Fat Is Safe to Remove From the Body?

The allowed limit for fat removal from the body is five to six liters. Any further reduction may result in increased risks for complications, both during and after the operation.

5.Is Liposuction Safe?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure carried out in aseptic and sterile conditions. The procedure is risk-free. Doctors also advise specific tests before opting for the procedure, and this rules out other potential risks such as allergic reactions or preexisting medical conditions. One can Visit Handa Cosmetic Surgery Clinic In Delhi for better details.

Dr Arjun Handa

Renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arjun Handa is well-known for his proficiency in cosmetic operations, reconstructive breast surgery, and body contouring. He received his training at the esteemed Army Hospital Research and Referral, where he gained a wealth of knowledge in plastic surgery. Dr. Arjun Handa is dedicated to imparting his expertise and developing the next generation of plastic surgeons, and he is an honoured fellow of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. His practise embodies the fundamental principles of professionalism and ethics, which are derived from the 40-year medical tradition of his distinguished family. Breast reductions, augmentations, and body contouring are among Dr. Arjun Handa's specialties.