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Tummy Tuck Surgery: Procedure, Cost, And Benefits

Are you trying to get rid of excess skin or too much flab in the abdomen region that doesn’t respond to a strict diet and intense workout sessions? Do you spend countless hours performing sit-ups but still not getting the taut tummy you want? If your answers are in the affirmative, tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty may be a good choice for you.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery or Abdominoplasty?

Tummy Tuck Surgery, also referred to as Abdominoplasty, can be defined as a combination of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery to tighten abdominal wall muscles and flatten the abdomen by removing extra fatty tissue. This form of contouring surgery helps in creating a firm and pleasing abdominal profile for both men and women.

Types Of Tummy Tuck Surgery

  • Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery. Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery, also known as mini-abdominoplasty or partial abdominoplasty, is performed under general anesthesia for improving the appearance of stretched out, loose skin and the removal of excess fat. This surgical procedure is characterized by minimal scarring and the shortest recovery time. 
  • Classic or Full Tummy Tuck. A full tummy tuck also referred to as traditional abdominoplasty, is ideal for men or women who have excess skin folds below and above the belly button. During this procedure, the scar will be stretched from hip to hip though it can be hidden under a bathing suit. Recovery after this surgical procedure is generally longer and takes 4-6 weeks.
  • Extended Tummy Tuck. Extended Tummy Tuck is an excellent choice for men and women who are struggling with sagging, excess skin hanging, or considerable laxity in the abdominal muscles after multiple pregnancies. This procedure removes excess skin and fat from all around the belly and back. The scar lies in the underwear line and cannot be seen even in a bathing suit.
  • All these procedures are usually combined with liposuction to give a thin and toned abdomen to the patient.

Who can consider Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy Tuck Surgery can be chosen by men and women who want to get rid of excess fat and loose skin. It also removes the stretch marks in the lower abdomen that is below the belly button. Tummy Tuck Surgery is a good choice for poor skin elasticity, weakened connective tissue, or excess fat in the abdomen which are a result of aging, abdominal surgery like a C-section, pregnancy, or significant weight changes. It may also be a good choice for women who have had multiple pregnancies and want to tighten the muscles of their abdomen.

Also Read: Tummy Tuck Post Pregnancy

What does the procedure look like?

Tummy Tuck Surgery is performed in a hospital with an inpatient setting and should not be done in a facility without these facilities. To relieve the patient from pain and discomfort, general anesthesia is provided during the procedure. During the surgical procedure, the plastic surgeon will make incisions to remove excess fat and skin. The surgeon then proceeds to tighten the connective tissue lying over the patient’s abdominal muscles with permanent sutures.

Thereafter, the plastic surgeon will reposition the patient’s skin around the belly button. It is then brought out through the incision and suture in its original position. The surgeon will stitch the incision from hip to hip above the pubic hair region. Antibiotics are administered to the patient during the procedure for preventing any occurrence of infections.

After the procedure is completed, a surgical dressing will be used for covering the abdominal incision. The surgeon and support staff will place small tubes along with the site of the incision so that any excess fluid or blood is drained out.

The Tummy Tuck procedure usually takes about 2-3 hours.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Possible side effects of the Surgery

In rare cases, some patients may experience side effects such as pain, discomfort, bruising, soreness, and swelling. However, these side effects can be eliminated or prevented in the first place itself by the surgeon and the support staff by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs, pain-relieving medications, and antibiotics.

At Handa Aesthetics and Plastics, every patient opting for Tummy Tuck Surgery receives compassionate care and the best treatment. Our team is competent and qualified to immediately diagnose and treat possible side effects of the surgery.

Post-op recovery and Precautions

The estimated time of post-op tummy tuck recovery is approximately 8-10 weeks. There are many factors that determine the duration of tummy tuck recovery time and this includes post-op activity levels, the age of the patient, the type of tummy tuck, medications, the body’s natural ability to heal, etc.

It is important for patients to avoid nicotine and alcohol. One should stick to low sodium and a healthy diet. Strenuous activities during the recovery time should be avoided. Patients should follow the instructions of the surgeon about when to remove the bandages when to return to routine activities, how to bathe after the surgery, when to visit the surgeon’s clinic for follow-up care, and what medications to take after the surgery.

Patients can expect significant psychological and physical changes after undergoing Tummy Tuck surgery in Delhi. Their clothes fit them better, they have tighter and toned abdomen, they experience an improved quality of life, and their workouts become more satisfying.

Cost of Tummy Tuck surgery in Delhi NCR

The estimated cost of tummy tuck surgery in Delhi NCR is approximately INR 1,30,000-2,60,000. The final tummy tuck surgery cost may vary depending on factors such as the expertise of the surgeon, type of tummy tuck procedure, medications, the patient’s general and overall health, etc.

At Handa Aesthetics and Plastics you can access the best tummy tuck surgery cost in Delhi. We also provide finance and EMI options. Call us now to access the possible options related to the best tummy tuck surgery in Delhi.


Tummy Tuck Surgery can be defined as a transformative and life-changing procedure to contour the midsection by removing extra fat & skin and tightening weakened muscles of the abdomen. It offers numerous emotional and social advantages as it promotes an increase in confidence and self-appreciation.

Tummy Tuck Surgery allows patients to choose and wear clothes of their choice again that once didn’t fit. Since patients become more confident after  Tummy Tuck Surgery, they find themselves enjoying an improved quality of life and socializing more.

Call or visit Handa Aesthetics and Plastics now to access industry-leading Tummy Tuck Surgery.


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